Ron Barge, the iconic Canadian children’s entertainer known for his beloved character “Buck Shot,” has passed away. His death has left a void in the hearts of countless children and adults who grew up watching his shows.

A Legacy of Laughter and Learning

Barge’s career spanned decades, but his impact on Canadian television was most profound during his time as the star of the popular children’s show, “The Buck Shot Show.” The show, which aired on CFCN in Calgary from 1967 to 1997, featured Barge as Buck Shot, a cowboy who entertained young viewers with his stories, songs, and humor.

The show’s popularity was due in large part to Barge’s ability to connect with children on a personal level. He created a safe and fun environment where kids could learn and grow. His characters, including Buck Shot’s sidekick, Benny the Bear, were beloved by generations of children.

Remembering a Legend

Barge’s death has prompted an outpouring of grief and tributes from fans and colleagues alike. Many have shared their favorite memories of watching his shows and the impact he had on their childhoods.

“Ron Barge was a true legend in Canadian television,” said [Name of a prominent Canadian television personality]. “His ability to capture the imagination of children and adults alike was truly remarkable. He will be deeply missed.”

A Lasting Impact

Although Barge is no longer with us, his legacy will live on through his work. His contributions to Canadian television and his impact on the lives of countless children will be remembered for generations to come.


Ron Barge was a beloved children’s entertainer who left an indelible mark on Canadian television. His death is a significant loss for the entertainment industry and for countless fans who grew up watching his shows. He will be remembered as a talented performer and a beloved friend to children of all ages.

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